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Patrick's birth


January 1699/1700

Arrival in America


February 28, 1699/1700 a

Indentured servitude


February 28, 1699/1700 b

The ship that brought Patrick to America



End of indentured servitude


October 10, 1709

Sem Cox lease to Robert Ingles



Earliest date for marriage to Margaret Ingles



Earliest date for first child / summary of son's births



Latest date for marriage to Margaret Ingles


March 30, 1719

Witnessed an indenture in Richmond County


May 4, 1722

Filed complaint against Stafford County sub-sheriff


January 7, 1724/25

Roger Day land grant and death


August 17, 1725

Elizabeth Day land inheritance deed memoradum


January 21, 1725/26

Witnessed a bequest in King George county


February 5, 1725/26

Appointed to appraise the estate of Patrick Magee


December 17, 1726 a

Deed of lease to Samuel Skinker


December 17, 1726 b

Deed of release to Samuel Skinker


December 17, 1726 c

Performance bond to Samuel Skinker


January 6, 1726/27

Record of lease, release and bond to Samuel Skinker


August 9 & 10, 1727

Henry McDonnac land conveyance to Elizabeth Day


August 31, 1727

Continuing presence of land sold to Samuel Skinker


May 10, 1731

Roger Day's legacy to his sole orphan (Elizabeth Day)


July 2 & 3, 1731

Henry McDonnac land conveyance to John Champe


August 2, 1734

Deed of lease from Samuel Skinker



Absence from Prince William County Rent Roll



Absence from Prince William County Rent Roll

September 3, 1739

Robert English deposition


September 5, 1739

Thomas Hart deposition


January 3, 1739/40

Edward Graham deposition


January 10, 1739/40

Survey Warrant for Prince William County land grant


March 7, 1739/40

Depositions entered in court record


April 28, 1740

Survey for land grant in Prince William County


May 11, 1740

William Davis (adjacent property owner) land survey


September 20, 1740

First evidence of Patrick Hamrick, Jr.


December 10, 1740

Prince William County land grant



Voting record for Burgesses


1741 - 1742

Inventoried estate of Richard Simes



Tithables list / sons Benjamin, Robert & James



Elk Run taxpayers list / son John


1751 - 1752

Rent Roll / properties inherited by oldest sons


January 24, 1752

Samuel Skinker will / reference to land conveyance


June 25, 1753

Record of slave ownership / son Joseph


November 26, 1753

Record of being a surveyor / most likely Patrick, Jr.


April 4 - June 3, 1755

Record of surveys / Jeremiah possibly a son


November 24, 1755

Petition to be free from government taxes granted


December 8, 1755

Vestry record granting freedom from Parish levy


May 25, 1756

Witness in law suit / most likely Patrick, Jr.


1759 - 1762

Payne account book / pertinent family information


October 1, 1761

Evidence of declining condition


April 2, 1764

Record of recent death



Tithables list / pertinent family information


September 6 & 7, 1770

Deeds of lease and release / Patrick's burial place

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