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March 7, 1739/40

At a Court held for King George County the 7th day of March . . . 1739. The Deposition of Robert English Thomas Hart & Edward Graham were presented into court by John Mercer Gent. Attorney for Patrick Hamrick & on his motion were admitted to Record (King George County Deed Book No. 2. p. 300)


All three depositions (REF: September 3, 1739, September 5, 1739 & January 3, 1739/40) appear in the record immediately preceding this entry.


With this King George County court record of his kinship to Roger Day, Patrick apparently established himself as owner of the 260 acres in Prince William County that Elizabeth Day had inherited from her father. (REF: August 17, 1725)


Since this action was undertaken in King George County, it seems that Patrick was still residing there at this point in time. Prince William County had been created in 1731. Subsequent records make it apparent though that Patrick moved to this location shortly after this and remained for the rest of his life.

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