Patrick Hamrick
Family Patriarch
November 24, 1755
The petition of Patrick Hamrick to be levy free is granted him and ordered that he be discharged from paying the same both Publick and County for the future. (Prince William County Minute Book 1755 – 1757. p. 12.)
As indicated by numerous other examples in the records, court orders such as this were not at all unusual. The county courts held the power to excuse tithable liability "for charitable reasons." (William Waller Hening. Hening’s Statutes At Large, Vol VI, 1748 - 1755. Charlottsville, VA: University Press of Virginia, 1969. p. 41) Such exemptions were typically granted due to disability, sickness, old age, or other similar debilities that precluded self-support. Since Patrick would have been 71 years old when this order was issued by the court, (REF: 1683/84) the exemption was most likely granted due to his age.