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May 10, 1731

An Inventory of part of the Goods & Chattels of Roger Day Dece’d. taken by William Mason out of the hands of Henry McDonnack in Behalf of Roger Days orphan


The inventory includes carpenter tools, several animals, household utensils and furnishings, and farming tools. (Stafford County Will Book M. pp. 38 - 39.)


An abstract of this record authored by Ruth and Sam Sparacio in their book entitled Will Abstracts of Stafford County Virginia 1729 – 1748 reads "Roger Days orphans," but in the original, the term is definitely singular.


Although the record does not refer to her by name, Roger Day's orphan was, undoubtedly, his daughter Elizabeth. (REF: August 17, 1725) Later evidence suggests that she never married, (REF: January 10, 1739/40 comments) a situation that was quite unusual. (Thad W. Tate and David L. Ammerman. The Chesapeake in the Seventeenth Century: Essays on Anglo-American Society. Chapel Hill, NC: The University of North Carolina Press, 1979. p.128. AND Albert Alan Rogers. Family Life in Eighteenth Century Virginia. Charlottesville, VA: University of Virginia, 1939. pp. 83, 111, & 124.) William Mason was a prominent citizen in the area. It seems that Elizabeth had hired him as her attorney to secure the final portion of the inheritance due from her father’s death, six years earlier.

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