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John Hamrick - Sarah [Stone?]

John Hamrick was the fourth son of Patrick Hamrick and Margaret Ingles, born sometime between 1714 and 1722, in what is now King George County, Virginia. He married Sarah (whose last name was probably Stone, although this is not yet proven) by 1743. The marriage could have taken place in either King George County or Prince William County. John apparently moved to Prince William County when his father did in the 1739 - 1740 timeframe. Evidently, he never acquired property of his own, but he most likely worked in tobacco fields, having been taught by his father. In 1751, he lived at the western edge of Prince William County, about 10 miles from where his father and older brother lived.


John's and Sarah's children included John (II), Nimrod, Amey and Milloy. John died in early 1757, when he was in his late thirties/early forties and is likely buried in the cemetery that was on his father's property in Prince William County. His cause of death is unknown, but considering his brother Robert died in the same timeframe it’s possible there was some sort of infectious disease such as smallpox, yellow fever, measles, or other common devastating sickness that claimed their lives.


After John’s death, Sarah became financially distressed. The court assigned guardians for Nimrod and Amey during the summer of 1762. Milloy was assigned a guardian the following summer. John (II), who was several years older than Nimrod, apparently stayed with his mother to help the best he could. Sarah's ultimate fate is unknown.


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