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December 17, 1726 b

The continuing agreement between Patrick Hamrick of the County of King George & Margaret his wife Robert Ingles of the county of Stafford & Sarah his Wife of ye one part & Sam’l Skinker of the County of King George in ye Colony of Virginia Merch’t of ye other part Witnesseth that for & in consideration of the Sum of three thousand five hundred pounds of Tobacco to ye Said Patrick Hamrick & Robert Ingles in hand paid by ye Said Samuel Skinker at & before ye Ensealing & Delivery of these presents the wrsipt whereof they do hereby acknowledge & thereof & of every part & parcell thereof do hereby acquitt & discharge ye Said Samuel Skinker his Executors & Administrators & Every of them by these presents & of Severall Sums of five Shillings of like money for ye said Patrick Hamrik & Rob’t Ingles in hand paid by ye Said Samuel Skinker [ . . . ] and by these presents do grant alien release & confirm unto ye Said Sam’l Skinker in his actual possession [wore?] being by Virtue of a bargain & Sale to him thereof made for one whole year by Indenture bearing date the day before ye date hereof & by force of ye Statute for transfering uses into possession & to his heirs & assigns all that tract & messuage of land Containing by Estimation One hundred acres lying in Stafford County that was by Indenture bearing date ye twentieth day of October in ye Year of Our Lord One thousand Seven hundred & nine Conveyed by Sem Coxe to Rob’t Ingles and lying between the Land of Simmons & ye Gleebe Land bounded as follows: Beginning at ye North West Corner of ye above said Simmons ld thence by his line South twenty Seven degrs westerly one hundred forty one poles to ye Line of Kays pattent thence west by South one hundred thirty two poles to ye Gleabe Land thence north twenty Seven degrs Easterly one hundred fifty five poles to Wm. Bunbury line thence north Eighty four degrs & an half Easterly one hundred thirty two poles to the begining [ . . . ] that they ye Sd Patrick Hamrick & Margaret his wife Robt Ingles & Sarah his Wife now are lawfully & rightfully Seized of & in ye said one hundred acres of Land with its Appurtenances of a Good Absolute & indefeazable Estate in fee Simple and now have a rightfull & Absolute Authority to Convey ye Said Land & premisses unto the said Sam’l & his heirs [ . . . ]


The document was signed by Patrick. Margaret and Robert Ingles signed with an ‘X’. Sarah Ingles also signed the document. Witnesses included Paul Micou Junr., Jno. Long, and Jno. Arthard.


In a Court held for King George County on Friday the 6th day of January anno Dom’i 1726


Then came Patrick Hamrick & Margt. his wife & Robert Ingles & Sarah his Wife & Acknowledges this Deed of Release to Sam’l Skinker to be their proper Acts & Deeds to be and [Enurs?] to the uses in the Same Deed Contained & Margaret Hamrick & Sarah Ingles their wives Relinquished their Right of Dower & thirds at the Common Law in & to the Lands & premisses by ye Said Release Conveyed Which at ye Instants of him the Said Sam’l Skinker is admitted to Record the Said Margaret and and [The double ‘and’ is in the record.]Sarah being Solely & privatly examined Confessed their free Consent thereto (King George County Deed Book No. I, Part II. p. 411 - 412.)


The fact that Patrick was "of the County of King George" and Robert Ingles was "of the county of Stafford" implies that Patrick and Margaret did not live on this property which is described as "lying in Stafford County," although the later phrase could simply have been copied as a convenience from the 1709 Sem Cox deed. (REF: October 10. 1709) Actually, the indistinct border (REF: May 4, 1722 comments) between the two counties was not far from the location of this property, so perhaps it actually went through it. The deed does, in fact, also state that both couples are "in ye said one hundred acres of Land"—a phrase that suggests both couples did, in fact, live on the parcel.


Research reveals that the Glebe property (land owned by the church), which is identified in the descriptive language as being adjacent on the west side of Patrick’s and Robert’s parcel, was located near Kay’s [Key's] Swamp and a place known as the Hop Yard. (G. MacLaren Brydon. A Sketch of the Colonial History of Saint Paul’s, Hanover, and Brunswick Parishes, King George County, Virginia. Richmond: The Virginia State Library, 1916. pp. 18 - 19.) The locale of these two landmarks has survived to modern times, (King George County, Virginia Rural Addressing Grid," Grid 37 (Hop Yard Farm Circle). King George County, Department of Community Development, Rev. June 1997. AND Geographic Names Information System (Keys Run - variant Kays Run). Internet address:,P3_TITLE:1468985,Keys%20Run. Reston, VA: U.S. Geological Survey, U.S. Department of Interior, July 2016.) so the general location of this parcel that belonged to Patrick & Margaret and Robert & Sarah can be deduced—it was in the vicinity of where modern-day Powhatan Road (Route 610) meets Port Conway Road (Route 607), approximatley four miles below Kings Highway (Route 3). Dogue Run crosses Port Conway Road just below this point.


The reason this inherited property was sold to Skinker is not clear, although it may well have been simply because Skinker offered them a very good deal for the property. The 3,500 pounds of tobacco that Skinker paid for this 100 acre property equates to 35 pounds per acre. Although there are no other sales of Dogue Run area properties in this particular timeframe that can be used for comparison, there are other sales within the county that can be used to gauge the relative value of this deal. For example, four sales which took place in November 1726 (King George County Deed Book No. I, Part II. Johnson/Long deed, pp. 391–393; Gleek/Allen deed, pp. 397-400; Thornly/Turner deed, pp. 401-404; and Long/Thornly deed, pp. 404-406.) (the month prior to this transaction) reveal prices of 13 pounds per acre, 13 pounds per acre, 12½ pounds per acre, and 40 pounds per acre—three of the four transactions were at less than half the price Patrick and Robert received from Skinker. So, it seems likely that they may, in fact, have sold because of the very good offer they received. It is evident from surviving records that both couples stayed in the area following this sale (Robert Ingles’ continued presence in King George County is evident from several appearances in King George County court related to a law suit he initiated and prosecuted during the period April 1728 to October 1728. King George Court Orders 1721- 1734. pp. 398, 405, 412, & 422. Patrick's continuing presence is evidenced by subsequent entries which are presented in this collection of information.) (perhaps even on this same parcel (REF: August 31, 1727 & August 2, 1734)), so it was not because they moved elsewhere.

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